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Auberge Handfield

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      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      • Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield
      Marina Handfield - Auberge Handfield


      Toll free1.855.579.2226

      By email

      Reservation Reservation
      Marina Handfield

      The Terrace Bar La Marina


      Book your table now at 450.584.2226 or Toll-free at 1.855.579.2226



       45° 40’40’N - 73° 11’ 40’W

      VHF 71

      The Handfield Inn’s Marina, located on the banks of the Richelieu river offers a range of services that will make your stopover most pleasant.

      Transients and residents can enjoy many amenities on the premises: Accommodation, Dining Room, Bar-terrace

      Average depth: 4,8m (16 feets)

      Please call us for our rates and slip reservartion!


      docking privileges restaurant ($) bar terrasse ($) telephone ($) ice ($) laundry ($) free parking for visitors free wireless internet electricity 20/30 amperes drinking water showers and toilets exterior whirlpool bath (in season) exterior inground pool (in season) accomodation ($) electronic security gate

      Reservation & information Reservation & information


      Toll free1.855.579.2226

      Terrace Bar La Marina

      See you next summer !

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